Folsom Street Fair
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(If you are not ready for explicit content, Please stop here!)
Well, it had been quite a few years since I have wanted to go to this Big Gay event so many people talk about on the Internet. I would read in some posts on the web that this event would not only bring people from all over the country but from around the World, and this year I saw why people make a big Fuss about it, because it is a Big Deal!
It all starts with a ginormous circuit party called "Magnitude", a party that seems every member from the gay community around the world assists to. It's necessary to get there early because the lines are endless and I was there early!
Imagine you walk into this circuit party and instead of the Go-Go dancers you find two hot men misbehaving like the picture above.
Well this boys were having a good time, weren't they?
If you pay close attention there is cum all over that guy's face.
@ the main stage these two seemed to be having lots of fun as well
Who says you can't make some time to cuddle?
Or.... eat ass for that matter. Is that a Kamasutra position?
A S&M event wouldn't be complete without some Water Sports now, would it?
Why not make the audience part of the show and piss all over them?
...and others just have no shame nor do they have a mirror.
Of course there was something for every taste, just take a look @ the pic above!
You know he got Spanked!!
As you may have noticed there was a lot tongue/throat action around here.
After an entire night full of perversion, it was time for the main event, "The Folsom Street Fair". This event is characterized by people letting all hang out, literally, and being who they really want to be for a day. The streets transform into this fantasy world many of us have to experience at least once in their lives.
As you can see there is no age limit for kinkiness. Look at this Roman Emperor.
Please read the shirt!
Twitter much?
This woman has been way to many times to the Cirque du Suleil
Who let the Dogs Out!!! I am not kidding they were acting like dogs.
Loved their S&M Swim Wear!
Best Twister Game I have ever seen!!
In case you wonder who the Bitch really is!!
Another Carriage.
Yet Another Carriage
Animal Cruelty!
Foxy Cop!
Chucky's son all Grown Up!!
More waterspots! Chics with Dicks!!
Who said girls aren't Kinky!! Yes Mistress!!! that's what she said!! ha ha
Thats what you get Nasty Whore!!
The best of Both Worlds like Hanna Montana
Bottoms Up!!!
Yes Mistress!!!!
This 2 Hooked Up afterwards!!! I saw them I swear!!
Stretched Cock and Balls!!
This so called "Full figure" girl swears she is Predator!!
The Drag Show!
Raja from RuPaul's Drag Race!
What King Kong's girl aborted!
If you think he's a real Cop look at his Bulge!!
I'm not sure.....
Ball's Stretching
Caucasian Donkey-Kong ha ha ha! Get it?
More twister and Ass Licking!
Santa Claus on Vacation!! I bet you this cowboy is against gay marriage!
Chuky's Son's Wife
The last dance before Fair was over
Ohh dear San Francisco, impatiently waiting for next year.
Mean while Planning my trip to the White Party in Palm Springs, Yay. Hope You all enjoyed it and if you got disgusted well I warned you at the very "TOP" LMFAO ha ha ha.
Awesome blog babe! Great job! Very entertaining LMAO!